5 Ways to Level Up your Dog’s Food Bowl
Have you considered that feeding your dog kibble every meal is the equivalent to us eating greasy fast food? Here are 5 ways to level up your dog’s bowl to improve their overall health and even save you some money!

My Dog is Resource Guarding – What Can I Do?
Are you afraid to approach your dog while they are eating or chewing a bone? Is it difficult for you to have your dog drop something you don’t want them to have? In this article we share information for you about what resource guarding is, how it starts, and what you can do about it.

Preparing to Attend Festivals and Family Gatherings with Your Dog
Mental exercise is stimulating your dog’s brain – getting them used to using their brain and alleviate or lessen their built-up energy and tire them out. Bored and super-energized dogs can be dealt with by a variety of activities that will have them using their brain.

Are You Stimulating Your Dog’s Brain?
Mental exercise is stimulating your dog’s brain – getting them used to using their brain and alleviate or lessen their built-up energy and tire them out. Bored and super-energized dogs can be dealt with by a variety of activities that will have them using their brain.

Are You Ready For An Emergency With Your Pet?
Have you made an Emergency Plan to ensure your dog is cared for in case of an emergency like a house fire, accident, or a power outage?

Does My Dog Need a Psychologist?
Does your dog guard its food or toys or do they jump up on people – no matter what you try to do to stop it? Is your dog reactive to other dogs or do they have extreme anxiety when you leave them alone? If your dog is exhibiting unwanted behaviours or anxiety here are some of the options available to you…

Poison Prevention
Do you know what to keep away from your dogs? Poison prevention is critical to our dog’s health and it’s an important time to learn about some common ways to ensure our dogs have safe and happy lives.

How to Increase the Effectiveness of Your Dog Training
You’ve just brought your new puppy home and are excited to start training, but you are wondering “When do I start?” You start the moment they enter your home! Here are a few great tips to get you started…

Tips for Training Your New Puppy
You’ve just brought your new puppy home and are excited to start training, but you are wondering “When do I start?” You start the moment they enter your home! Here are a few great tips to get you started…

Winter Care For Your Dog
The weather outside is frightful are you and your dog ready for the deep freeze? Some dogs can play all day in the snow while others can only sustain a few minutes and are more like a fireplace pup. How do you keep your dog comfortable in the winter?