Does My Dog Need a Psychologist?

Does My Dog Need a Psychologist?

Does your dog guard its food or toys or do they jump up on people – no matter what you try to do to stop it? Is your dog reactive to other dogs or do they have extreme anxiety when you leave them alone? If your dog is exhibiting unwanted behaviours or anxiety here are some of the options available to you…

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Poison Prevention

Poison Prevention

Do you know what to keep away from your dogs? Poison prevention is critical to our dog’s health and it’s an important time to learn about some common ways to ensure our dogs have safe and happy lives.

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Winter Care For Your Dog

Winter Care For Your Dog

The weather outside is frightful are you and your dog ready for the deep freeze? Some dogs can play all day in the snow while others can only sustain a few minutes and are more like a fireplace pup. How do you keep your dog comfortable in the winter?

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