Are you thinking about bringing a dog into your family and wondering how to figure out the best breed or temperament to suit your lifestyle? Or do you already have a dog and want to know more about being a responsible owner?
Having a dog involves a lot of responsibility. In this Episode of the Muttz with Mannerz Canine Academy Podcast, co-hosts Corey McCusker and Diane Purser discuss the key things that an owner needs to think about and do to be a responsible dog owner.
In this episode, Corey and Diane with cover:
- Key questions to ask yourself when choosing a dog.
- The investment involved.
- Key things to do for your dog.
- What the law requires.
- How you can help to control pet population.
- Making arrangements for someone to care for your pet if you are going to be away.
Perfect Dog App from Apple Store
OSPCA – Meet Your Match Survey >> https://ontariospca.ca/adopt/meet-your-match/
Podcast Episode 001: The Importance of Socialization for your Pup
Pet insurance Blog Post: Key Questions To Ask Before You Buy Pet Insurance
OSPCA Standards of Care Act >> https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/090060
Your Hosts:
Corey McCusker, Canine Coach
Corey’s passion for helping humans and dogs excel led her to take a leap of faith after 22 years working in the Financial Industry to leave her corporate job in 2006 and start two companies. Corey is a Coach at heart and works with business leaders and high-performance teams, but her true passion has always been canines. She now has created a career that supports both.
Corey founded Muttz with Mannerz in 2006. Her foundation of knowledge which includes being a Senior Manager, Dog Trainer, Vet Assistant, World Tour Lead, and Mental Performance Coach helped her to launch the Canine Academy. The purpose of the academy is to assist pet parents build the foundation for their pups to be with them for life.
Corey believes in giving back to the community. Over many years she has volunteered at the Toronto Humane Society and the OSPCA and is also proud to be an evaluator for St. John Ambulance Dog Therapy Program. She held the position of Director of Communications on the board for the Canadian Association for Women Entrepreneurs and Executives from 2017-2019. She has been active with Markham Fair and been a Team Captain and on the Executive for Stouffville Ladies Floor Hockey League for over 15 years.
Corey has made Stouffville her home for the last 18 years and shares it with Mike, her partner, two stepdaughters, Karla and Alison, and their two energetic kittens, Dino and Demi. Over the years Corey has been fortunate to be blessed to share her life with 6 wonderful canines, Tilley ( Miniature Dachshund), Tiny, Kira (Great Danes), Fred(Maltese), Charlie(Morkie), and Cleo(Miniature Poodle). Corey and Mike welcomed their new puppy, Skye, a rescue Muttz from Manitoba reserves into their home in June. 2021. They have big hopes for her and look forward to Skye filling their lives with joy and being an active member of Team Muttz.
Diane Purser, Canine Educator
Diane has had a lifelong love of animals and knew at some point she would enter the world of Animal Welfare, specifically around Companion Animals. After a long career, Diane was able to leave the corporate world in 2004 and decided to immerse herself in dogs, animal welfare, and humane education. Her experience both corporately and personally allowed her to bring extensive knowledge in marketing, education, fundraising, and event coordination to her new career.
Over the last 15+ years, Diane has held positions in Community Education with the OSPCA, St. John Ambulance Dog Therapy Program as a Dog Handler and Evaluator, plus various roles (including Board member) with Pugalug Pug Rescue.
Diane’s passion for education has been fueled by her extensive involvement with the OSPCA Youth and Pets Program, Pet Ownership Responsibility, and collaboration with St John Ambulance Therapy Dog Bite Prevention Program. Her mission is to help future, current, and new dog owners have loving and fulfilling lifelong relationships with their dogs.
Diane’s skills are a perfect match for Muttz with Mannerz™. She collaborates with Corey on delivering educational seminars and support to pet parents and the community. Her goal is to find dogs their forever homes and keep them there, ultimately lowering the number of unwanted dogs entering shelters and rescues.
Diane is very fortunate to share her life with her supportive husband, Keith, and son, Kyle, who both share her passion and concern for the wellbeing of animals. Their home has been graced with 5 wonderful dogs: Mikki, Maggie & Neeko (pugs), Teeny (Yorkie-x), and Tippy (Pom-x) and now includes two senior Yorkies, Lola and Fred who were a bonded pair and needed to be adopted together.
Muttz with Mannerz – https://muttzwithmannerz.com
Corey’s Email – corey@muttzwithmannerz.com
Join Corey each month for the Women and Dog Circle Free Meetups you can register here >> https://www.seewhatshecando.com/women-and-dogs-circle